I bought a yarn rack, something I wanted for a long time.
The cones with the yarn on it is linen thread and I bought that in Oerlinghausen. I'm planning to tablet weave or card weave with that.
I also bought a fabric cutter, some knitting needle protectors and a book:
Oh, and uhm... yes that _is_ Noro on the top left. Danny and I are going to knit some arm warmers from that. Danny bought also 2 balls; same colour as mine are. :D
When I got home I found 2 packages. One from my Fat Quarter swap partner:
Thank you so much Eve!
And one from my Punk Rock Gift Exchange semi-secret partner:
Thank you Metal and Knit!
As I have a week off from work I have enough to do and enjoy.
So here are my plans for tomorrow:
First I will go to my school (info from link is in Dutch only) for my arts and crafts lessons. We are working with clay at the moment and I made a vase.. some sort of.. Anyway, it looks like a vase, lets put it that way. ;-))
After my lessons I go to visit my mum and dad, finally giving them their socks I knit them and in the evening you will find me at Café De Jaren, to meet my knitsibs (I love that word, Brenda Dayne uses it in her podcast) from my Stitch and Bitch group.
so, I write:
TTFN, CUsoon