woensdag 9 juli 2008

Magic Yarn Swap

I am participating in a "Magic ball swap" in The Netherlands. You hand-make (at least) 1 knitting related gift, get some more small presents, with a total value between 15 and 20 euro's, get a ball or skein of yarn and wrap all those presents into one a big ball of yarn.

You sent it to your recipient, anonymously, and she (or he) will find all the gifts while she (or he) starts knitting with the yarn.

Yesterday I received mine:

I can hardly wait to start knitting, but first I need to start some cross stitching swaps.

Anyway: Thank you very much, secret Magic ball partner.. I already like the smell that's coming out of the package and the colour of the yarn is very pretty, dark green. I love it.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

en? en en en? Hoe vordert het?

Minstens zo nieuwsgierig wat je ervan vindt...