There is no soil in Guppywood. This is all kinds of yukkiness coming from the guppys processing their food. But like I said after 2,5 hours, al the guppys (but the one who jumped) could savely return to their fresh and clean Guppywood.

I will put some more plants in it, as soon as I can find the time to visit the pet shop.
This morning it was time for sun, cross stich and Nina Simone. Ayla loves to bask in the sun and she always find herself a sunny spot, anywhere.

I just had my lunch and now its time to dwell in the world of Carpathians, vampires and sultry seduction, along with some paranormal suspence and violent battles, created by Christine Feehan in her "Dark" Series. I am re-reading the entirely serie, after re-reeading the "Ghostwalker" series. I am a great fan of her books. :)
2 opmerkingen:
Zie ik dat goed, grrr ;-)))
waar dacht je dat "soil" van gemaakt is (of waar het werkwoord "to soil" vandaan komt? *grin*
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