I read on her blog about the Book Blogger Holiday Swap and decided to drop my name in that hat too. If you want to drop your name in that hat too, hurry. Do so before the deadline: November 12, 2009
Now, on my reading list. My Twitterguy is spoiling me to the bones with BBC4 radio plays from books by Terry Pratchett and that made me wanting to re-read the first 6 books I own. I started with The Coulour of magic and it is still as hilarious as I remember.
The back says: On a world supported on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown), a gleeful, explosive, wickedly expedition sets out. There's an avaricious but inept wizard, a naive tourist whose luggage moves on hundreds of dear little legs, dragons who only exist if you believe in them, and of course THE EDGE of the planet...
So far I've read about Rincewind (the avaricious but inept wizard) and Twoflower (the naive tourist who has four eyes) who have escaped the burning city of Ankh-Morpok. Oh and Luggage is trotting behind them as well, on its hundreds of little feet. Outside the city they meet Bravd the Barbarian and his partner in crime Weasel. Rincewind (too tired to be really afraid of the Barbarian with a Reputation) is telling the story of how he met Twoflower and the Luggage and how the fire started, in exchange for some food and wine.
Meanwhile the Creators, or disc Gods are staring at a gaming board, shaped like the disc world filled with little play figures, shaped like our heroes...
I think its time for me to cuddle up on my couch and plunge myself in the Disc World once again.
2 opmerkingen:
LOL What do you think are the chances that one of us will be the other's Santa? ;)
Enjoy your reading of Disc World :)
Love Terry Pratchett! I only discovered him a few years ago.
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