So while I was basking in the sun, enjoying my room I noticed Poison Ivy's Pottery, which I've been neglecting for a long time:
I did not dare to open the shop, but look at the roofgarden, it's a mess!
The trash bin needs to be cleaned out real soon...
An oh my god.. is that cat hair I see???

But the problem is.. I have Nova almost ready to stitch.
I have the fabric, but it needs to be prepaired, and most of the floss is also ready to be used..

And I'm afraid I have a new obsession:

But the main issue is time.. I have to go to work now. We are expecting our visitor since the library opened her doors on 07-07-'07. Lots of important people coming to have a celebration this afternoon.. I beter get dressed for work and stop dreaming about my projects.
But the problem is.. I have Nova almost ready to stitch.
I have the fabric, but it needs to be prepaired, and most of the floss is also ready to be used..
And I'm afraid I have a new obsession:
But the main issue is time.. I have to go to work now. We are expecting our visitor since the library opened her doors on 07-07-'07. Lots of important people coming to have a celebration this afternoon.. I beter get dressed for work and stop dreaming about my projects.
Luckely for me I'm reading the Monica Ferris books. Right now I'm reading Crewel Yule. That's at least a little stitching comfort during my tram-ride to work and when I'm on my diner break :D
After work, I'll be at Mulligans with my friends. Danny Guinan is playing tonight.
Life is good :D.
2 opmerkingen:
I love your craft room! I hope to have something like that one day. I have to start another cross stitch project this week too. I wish you could visit here for a day and I'd take you to a shop called Spotlight. It's a crafter's dream.
@ Nicole: only for one day? You believe that's enough?? *lol* I saw your pictures and I believe I ned at least a week to visit tha shop and bask in all the goodies. Oh and bring a large bag with money of course :D
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